George Jones

Curious Musings

: EmacsConf 2024 CFP out, proposals due Friday. you should put something in. I’m …

: An accidental trip through West Virginia I took an accidental trip through West Virginia Monday. Fall is arriving early in the high country …

: 2FA alternatives for banks that insist on texting? I’m looking for ways to do 2FA authentication to banks, etc. that does not require me to turn …

: Here’s A plant I’ve never seen before “Old man’s beard”

: Clipea, your AI command line buddy Clipea is a command line tool that uses AI to help you construct construct: (bin) 402 [07:21:56] …

: All you need is ... Does anyone see the fallacy in this? …

: migrate from Mastodon to How did you manage migration from mastadon ? Did you do the migration as described …

: The Etymology of Cincinnati - Kinky ! More from reading History of Rome by Livy 📚 : The word “Cincinatus”, as in the city of …

: Armed mob seizes Capitoline Hill? Time for a Legal Debate! 📚​ Today’s observations from reading The Early History of Rome: Books I-V of the History of Rome …

: Currently reading: The Early History of Rome: Books I-V of the History of Rome from its Foundation …

: Private communications is not a technical problem The arrest of telegram founder Pavel Durov bothers me. As someone raised in the US, I have a fairly …

: Migrating to microblog, off digital ocean I think I ’m going to settle in on for the blog going forward. I’ve …

: Out in the real word (why I hike) 📝 ⛺️

Hikers all have 1000 stories. When you hike, you meet people. You experience things. What is that …

: Checking out Exploring thanks to recommendations of It’s got a lot going for …

: Gemini Dream 📝 Yesterday while on a walk, I had a conversation with Google Gemini about the Emerald Ash Borer that …

: The song remains the same 📝 📚 If there’s one thing we learn from history, it’s that people don’t learn from …

: into the future @rscottjones, I will probably be mining your Strategies for Aging Seems its something that’s …

: Life is better with your phone turned off.

: It's not safe 📝 ⛺️ What risks do you take? Why? Do you think about it, or just do it? In a recent post, @jarrod said …

: About 1900 miles ago... ⛺️ 16 years ago my son and I started hiking the Appalachian trail with a 47 mile weekend in Shenandoah …

: 6 miles in sky meadows state park. First hint of fall.

: Nihil novi sub sole 🎙️ I’ve been making a third pass through The History of Rome podcast ⌛️. So much of what’s …

: When time is short

Some perspective from a person who spent decades providing financial advice, planning for retirement …

: Phil Donahue passed … I grew up in central Ohio. There was a regional network of TV stations …

: Salve, saeculum.

: The TNI is dead, long live the TNI 📝

Today was the day I removed the TNI (Telephone Network Interface) from my house. The last vestiges …

: Be kind to your call center friends 📝

I’m going to subvert the system and try to connect with humans I talk to in call centers as …

: Changing the world, one side project at a time 📝